We are a well balanced team with strong back-grounds in mechanical design, software, electrical systems, marketing, and product development. Our small team was structured to emphasize the skills of each team member and we had minimal overlap to increase efficiency.
Robin "Free Lunch" Young
- Team Lead
- I oversaw all stages of the design, assembly, and manufacturing process to ensure compatibility between sub-systems. In addition I was in charge of dealing with all administrative tasks as well as contacting corporate partners for sponsorships. Finally I made sure the final project was manufactured and assembled in a professional manner.
- About Me
- I am a mechanical engineering student graduating this May 2012. My interest range from design to heat transfer analysis, and I've enjoyed extending my education via internships at Lockheed Martin, Tesla Motors, and Alloy Product Development. Outside of school, I can be found racing triathlons, finishing crossword puzzles, and eating sweets.
- Coolest Application
of our Device
- Cake decorating!!
Marc "So Its All On the Cloud" Russell
- Mechanical Lead
- I made most of the mechanical decisions for this project. I did all the mechanical design work and modeled the entire machine. I was also in charge of selecting materials and parts from companies. I was heavily involved in the machining, assembly, and testing processes.
- About Me
- I am a 3.5 year Mechanical Engineering major with an interest in materials. I didn't really know anything about making linear motion systems before this project, but was well served by the skills and experience I gained as a member of the UC Berkeley Solar Vehicle Team and at past internships at LBL and NASA. In my free time I like riding bikes, eating ice cream, and eating ice cream while riding my bike.
- Favorite Color
- Blue and Gold
Adam "I Have Been Up for 36hrs" Resnick
- Electrical/Controls
- I worked on the electrical system with Steven Rhodes. We co-designed the custom PCB for the project. I helped select electrical components for the system. In addition, I was in charge in programming the mbed microcontroller to allow it to control the stepper motors and servos. I worked a lot on the controls side of the project to allow our project to accurately draw in 3D space.
- About Me
- I'm a 4th year ME who will be going to graduate school next year for Aerospace Engineering. My interests are mainly in controls, numerical methods and finite element methods. I'm also a bit of an electronics hobbyist. All of my 3 years of undergraduate research has been in nanotechnology. I have previously interned at NASA Ames and have worked in the Liwei Lin Lab at Berkeley for 2.5 years.
- Favorite Food
- All of them
Steven "Who Is This Guy?" Rhodes
- Electrical/Software
- I'm the software guy. I got the machine communicating over wifi, wrote a significant portion of the code on the mBed, and developed a python front end for controlling everything. I designed our custom printed circuit board, and worked a lot with Adam on the electrical components of our system. I tried to write a lot of things from scratch rather than using premade libraries because I like learning how things work. I don't do mech.
- About Me
- I'm an EECS junior doing this class for fun. I'm heavily involved with CalSol, I interned at Google last summer (and am returning there again this summer), and I like making cool things.
- Favorite Food
- I like food